Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Extension of Summer

Today I thought about the coming season change. It feels to soon that the summer is going to autumn. When that's said. We still have summer! I enjoy walking in this temperature, and these walks  usually become a part of my best days. Besides. I like summer best. It is my favorite season of all. It feels like summer has just started. I can not remember any time a season has passed so quick. Like the wind. However, last year. Our summer weather lasted for quite some time, and I hope the same will happen this year. So when autumn has arrived. It is still summer :)

What is your favorite season? 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

A Sunday Walk

It has been a week since the last time and already enough time to forget the well-being of a walk outdoors. Walking by the motorway is just not the same as walking by the sea or in the woods. 
If you've done the same, you know what I mean =)
However I find the shorter walks the best. As long as energy is reduced. Otherwise a memory of a trip is also reduced, don't you think?

I will go for these walks more often :) What about you?

Summer Drink

Today I felt like trying something new. With coconut milk in the fridge that I rarely use, I  decided to mix it with these ingredients:

For a portion you need:

Slices of orange
a couple strawberries
1-2 tsp melted honey
1-2 tsp coconut milk

Add these together and heat in microwave or in pan.


Friday, July 25, 2014

Special Cards

Lately I've seen so many cool cards, which has made me want to collect them, and use for decoration and inspiration. Today I picked up this one. It is very nice. I like the color mix. I will use it as decoration. It is also nice to make cards. Not just buy. Ahead I will look for more interesting and beautiful cards. Perhaps I find a favorite label. I also bought this paper today. Quite cool don't you think? :)

Do you have a favorite shop/label to buy cards from?

Happy Colors

Some colors just instantly bring out a curious feeling and good vibration. They always get me in a good mood, and give me a need to create something wonderful. 

It has been years since I lay my eyes on this simple scrapbook paper. And for a long time it has been hidden in a box. Going into a wonderfully decorated room, can uplift my mood, but sometimes I get the biggest joy out of the simplest things. Like this unique scrapbook paper. I hope my friend will like it too :) Now I've used it as a cover on this notebook. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

     Beauty Treat

Soap & Glory Love at First Blush

I purchased this a couple days ago after seeing it in a drugstore. I remembered seeing a similar rouge on a blog, wondering where to buy it. 

The shimmer and rose tones are wonderful, and looks beautiful on pale skin. I will probably use this throughout the year <3

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Phantoms (movie), shopping, decoration, blogging, walking. I like lazy summer days. Soon, my book will be at my desk. Reading horror is not in my line. But seeing the movie, has changed my mind. The movie was wonderful and interesting. Especially because of wonderful performances from some of the actors. Where do I find more movies like this?

So. Shopping has payed off by making it more nice and cosy here. I want to decorate a lot more, but creativity and no budget can only take me so far. Also, money spent on makeup has been nice, but perhaps not so necessary. Admitting this unwillingly, I think about more decoration to shop. 

My longing for some change, started with reading lifestyle blogs. This has really boosted my creativity on lazy summer days. 

My days evolve around swimming, relaxing, blogging, walking and watching movies. When my book arrives, it will also be reading.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Energy Low, Creativity on Top

The summer temperature is rising, and my energy is going the opposite direction. However, creative ideas keep popping up. Lately I've found some inspiration in decoration ideas and beauty/lifestyle blogs :) So that is what I spend my time on when I am not relaxing. I've been shopping a little to much, but I think it is worth it. Making it nice and cosy is worth investing in!

Tip: Make an origami box and add a bowl with fresh flowers.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Summer Favorites

Emma S. 
ageless oxygen mask

This is the best facial mask I've tried so far. It smoothens my skin, and gives it a nice, healthy glow. And it makes my lines less visible, when used frequently. It feels very comfortable on the skin. It has already become an addiction :)

Lipsticks Gosh

I love these colors. They are really beautiful. They don't last very long on though.. But they are still favorites :) I seldom find lipstick colors that I like this much.

Vichy Capital Soleil Lip Stick

A beautiful balm with sun protection. It moistures very well, and is the best in my small collection of balms.

Makeup Mekka Nail Polish

I love this color. It has a beautiful red and pink shine, and will match most of your outfits :)

Makeup Mekka Duo Fibre Brush
foundation brush

This is my first foundation brush, and I love it. It blends the foundation really easy on my skin, and feels very comfortable. 

Soap & Glory Beauty Sleep Accelerator

A wonderful facial cream with a lovely fresh smell, and a good doze of moist. 

And this beautiful ring of a dragonfly. Purchased it years ago, and have barely used it, up until this summer :)

Friday, July 18, 2014

Tasty Salad

Easy made and tasty :) The cheese, pumpkin seeds and the meat add most of the flavor. 


pasta penne
salted and dried ham
spinach leafs
cheddar cheese
pumpkin seeds
olive oil

Season with salt and pepper.

Enjoy :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

New Notebooks

I recently purchased these two notebooks, and today I decided to decorate them. It is a nice and inexpensive way to get beautiful notebooks. I like using scrapbook paper :)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Favorite Thing

Lately I've been walking more outdoors. We have such beautiful summer weather. I enjoy walking in the woods. And it has become my favorite thing to do. I usually find new inspiration there, and I get more energy to to other things :)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

 Outdoor Art

 My favorites are the mushrooms and the apple. I look forward to see more art, being outdoors, photographing. Next I will go to a park and look at a giant, interesting sculpture by Marianne Heske. She makes really interesting art! Which I first discovered, visiting a local gallery a year ago =)